The Hoover is here to suck up any and all negative thoughts!

It is one of the tools I captured from The Sage Experience. I have used it for 40 years, over 2,333,666 times. Works every time in eliminating negativity and limits. The world gives me great opportunities to practice Hoover-ing. It is a lesson in Paying Attention.

  Imagine there is a deity or a machine in the sky, a giant Hoover vacuum cleaner that’s purpose is to suck up our limits when we perform the appropriate gesture. It is a gesture of ‘offering up’ our limits.

Imagine the limit is in our hand and flip them up into the sky to feed the Hoover. This gesture can be a noticeable large two-handed gesture or it can be small and invisible to everyone else. It is a gesture of conscious awareness. Sounds hokey but being aware of a habit, and our limits have become habits, the offering up gesture relieves the attachment to the habit and begins the practice of being unlimited.

Here is an example of how to use the HOOVER. Sitting among a group of people someone begins sharing their tale of sadness and woe full of stinking thinking, limits and negativity-“I can’t believe … people should always….I hate it when….nobody can be happy…I can’t remember anything…. I can’t….You know limits, critique’s, naysayers-bummers! The Yea Butt-ers

The HOOVER is hungry for those limits. OFFER THEM UP and build your Unlimited Freedom of Choice Muscle.

The gesture need not be grand and embarrassing, a flip of the thumb or tongue, a shrug of the shoulder is enough to catch a NOW of Limits and send them into a moment of non-limits.

          Why does the Hoover work?

It is your attention, coupled with your awareness, intention and a universe (or multi-verse-woo-woo) that supports each of us in having what we want. Life wishes to evolve. Life may be neutral and has a propensity that encourages enlightenment. It is the opposite of the plumber’s union credo-Crap runs down hill and pay day is on Friday.

Paying Attention is our Best Investment and the HOOVER is here suck up all negativity and limits. It’s automatic. No need to even empty the bag.                    

 What the HOOVER Is

-A tool to anchor you to remember to clear your mind. A tool for offering up limits and negativity to a higher source.

 What the HOOVER  Does

-Turn negativity and limits over to a higher force. The HOOVER Vacuums our minds. 

 How to Use the HOOVER

-To catch, trap, and snare negative thoughts and beliefs with a physical gesture that signals the HOOVER to suck the limits and negativity.

 When to Use the HOOVER

-When you or another person experience “stinking thinking” or share negativity or limits.

 RESULTS you can expect from the HOOVER

-More joy from being in present time. More choices. Freedom. An unlimited life you choose.

 You CAN TRUST the HOOVER to help you be present!