Self Appreciation Letter

Whether it’s your birthday, Valentine’s Day or going back to school it’s always a great time to write your Self Appreciation Letter ™.

Who is the most important person that may not be getting appreciated?

Is it you?

If so, and it probably is, here is an exercise worthy of repeating often! Send yourself thanks, appreciation, and gratitude.

        I changed some words to an old favorite tune you can find on YOUTUBE

         ♫I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter

        I’m gonna believe it came from me

        I’m gonna write words oh so sweet

        It’s gonna knock me off my feet.

      I’m gonna list why I am happy

        I’m gonna write down all of my goals

        I’m gonna dig right into my soul

        I’m gonna own----that I am--- completely whole

        I’m gonna believe that yes I can

        I’m gonna know who--- I am.


        I’m Writing myself a letter

       Because it all came from me.♫      


        For the old timers find an envelope-stamps-paper.

        Address your envelope to you.

        Start your letter Dear Loved One, then add a poem an essay or a list WHY you deserve your love.

        Celebrate yourself-Write one-word description of yourself. Two words. Three, as many as you want. Be grateful.

        BE CONFIDENT-BRAG. Acknowledge the most important person in your life.

        Send yourself LOVE.

        It is hard to appreciate others if you can’t, don’t or won’t appreciate yourself.

        Turn off Radio station K-LACK.

        Do you recognize this message?

        This is K-L-A-C- your private speaking station keeping you stuck in your useless chatter of Stinking Thinking. Keeping you ‘shoulding’ all over yourself with ‘have toos’, ‘you must’, the ‘always’ and ‘never’ even the most odiferous word HATE. KLAC is here to create those limits and negativity keeping you stuck in what you don’t want.

        It is our internal chatter, our PRIVATE SPEAKING that leads directly to SERIOUSITIS™.

        CHANGE the CHANNEL.

     ♫Sit right down and write YOUR self that letter.♫

        Give yourself the Gift of Appreciation

        When you get the letter put it on the frig and read it daily and let your family and friend know they too can appreciate their most important friend-themselves.

   Building Appreciation is a Gift to the World.