20 Gratitude Questions-

1-What does gratitude mean to you?

2-What events in your life have been transformed into experiences of gratitude?

3-Who in your life are you most grateful for?

4-What changed in your business when you transformed challenges into gratitude?

5-What do I appreciate most about myself?

6-What challenge or adversity in your life have become turning points of gratitude?

7-If you are not appreciating this moment, what are you doing?

8-Does your family have rituals for sharing gratitude?

9-What has stopped you from being grateful each moment?

10-What was a turning point on your gratitude trail?

11-Whom in your life has helped you become more grateful?

12-What is the opposite of gratitude?

13-Who is the most grateful person you know?

14-Do you have a picture of what gratitude looks like?

15-What is your first memory of gratitude?

16-Mindmap & brainstorm the concept of GRATITUDE.

17-What does gratitude feel like in your body?

18-What builds gratitude?

19-What destroys gratitude?

20-What am I not grateful for that I want to be grateful for?
